Table of Contents
bushwalks in Victoria's alpine region
see also:
- How far can an older person hike with average ability and a 12-14kg backpack?
- the rough rule of thumb is to plan to walk only 8-12 km per day of full pack carrying and count every 100m climbed or descended as an extra kilometre walked.
- Camp amongst the snow gums rather than in the lower Mountain Ash areas - Mountain Ash are prone to falling unpredictably
- Luckily, none of Australia's mountains are over 2500m so no risk of altitude sickness but you do have to worry about summer bushfires!
Victoria's Alps
Victoria's highest peaks
- Mount Bogong, VIC 1,979m
- Mount Feathertop, VIC 1,903m
- Mount Nelse North, VIC 1,882m
- Mount Loch, VIC 1,865m
- Mount Fainter South, VIC 1,861m
- Mount Hotham, VIC 1,857m
- Spion Kopje, VIC 1,835m
- Mount McKay, VIC 1,833m
- Mount Niggerhead, VIC 1,826m
- Mount Cope, VIC 1,824m
- Mount Fainter North, VIC 1,817m
- Mount Cobberas Number 1, VIC 1,814m
- Marm Point, VIC 1,805m
- Hollonds Knob, VIC 1,801m
- Mount Higginbotham, VIC 1,797m
- Mount Jim, VIC 1,787m
- Mount Buller, VIC 1,773m
- Mount Wills, VIC 1,747m
- Mount Howitt, VIC 1,727m
- Mount Bundara, VIC 1,727m
- Mount Pinnibar, VIC 1,727m
- Mount Stirling, VIC 1,724m
- Mount Magdala, VIC 1,719m
- Mount Gibbo, VIC 1,716m
- The Bluff, VIC 1,715m
- Mount Reynard, VIC 1,708m
- Mount Clear, VIC 1,693m
- King Billy No 1, VIC 1,693m
- Mount Blowhard, VIC 1,687m
- Little Spion Kopje, VIC 1,685m
- The Twins, VIC 1,684m
- Mount Lovicks, VIC 1,683m
- The Horn, Mt Buffalo VIC 1,678m
- Basalt Hill, VIC 1,673m
- Mount Anderson, VIC 1,666m
- Mount Eadley Stoney, VIC 1,662m
- Mount Arthur, VIC 1,657m
- Mount Wombargo, VIC 1,655m
- The Hump, VIC 1,652m
- Little Mount Bogong, VIC 1,652m
- Mount Cobberas Number 2, VIC 1,651m
- Mount Speculation, VIC 1,648m
- Moscow Peak, VIC 1,647m
- Picture Point, VIC 1,636m
- Mount Wellington 1,634 m
- Mount Freezeout, VIC 1,634m
- Mount Cobbler 1,628m
- Rams Horn, VIC 1,626m
- Mount Buggery (Alpine Shire) 1,583–1,598 m
other notable mountains in Victoria
- Mount Baw Baw (1,567 m )
- Lake Mountain (1,482 m)
- Mount Matlock (1,377 m)
- Mount Donna Buang (1,250 m)
- Mount William in Grampians (1,167 m)
- Camels Hump at Mt Macedon (1,001 m)
- Langi Ghiran near Ararat (924 m)
- Mount Alexander near Bendigo (744 m)
- Mount Buninyong near Ballarat (719 m)
- Hanging Rock / Mount Diogenes (718 m)
- Mount Warrenheip near Ballarat (714 m)
- Mount Franklin near Daylesford (648 m)
- Mount Dandenong (633 m)
- Mount Tarrengower near Maldon (556 m)
- Mount Arapiles (369 m)
- You Yangs (352 m)
australia/vic/alpinewalks.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/14 10:53 by gary1