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Newbridge Recreation Reserve camp ground

see also:

  • this camp ground on the banks of the Loddon River is subject to major flooding events from upstream heavy rainfall events
    • The Loddon flows from the Great Dividing Range in the south to the Murray River in the north of Victoria, with three main storages located on the Loddon River: Cairn Curran, Tullaroop and Laanecoorie reservoirs.
    • water can rise rapidly overnight at Newbridge as occurred 8th Oct 2022 which caught rooftop tent campers by surprise as levels went from below 2m depth the previous day to around 6m depth within about 10hrs from the start of the rise, and water up to almost the roof of their 4WD requiring the campers to be air lifted by helicopter.
    • water generally takes 6 hours to peak after a major release from the upstream Laanecoorie Reservoir which is ~10km away
    • the flood of Jan 2011 reached 7.5m and inundated the camp ground and the recreation reserve and impacted local buildings
    • in addition, there are high chances of isolation and access to surrounding towns being cut off
    • a major flood level at Newbridge equates with a level of over 5.5 metres on the gauge named “Loddon River downstream Laanecoorie”
    • a moderate flood level of over 3.5-4m at this gauge is likely to impact the camp ground
  • Do not confuse with “Newbridge Camping and Public Recreation Reserve” on Google which is also on the Loddon but only bush camping!


  • an awesome large camp ground along the Loddon River and adjacent to the football ground and tennis courts
  • $15/n payable at the hotel or the ranger who comes by in the morning or evening
  • flush toilets and hot showers in the sports pavilion
  • AC power in the disabled toilets
  • can set tent or van up adjacent the river and throw a line in
  • most sites have camp fires
  • flocks of galahs can be noisy just before sunrise
  • alcohol not permitted on game days
  • easy walking distance to the pub or general store
  • minimal if any mobile reception - generally 3G with Telstra, perhaps better with Optus
  • can fish from your camp site
  • close driving distance to historic gold mining towns and sites (see below)
  • highly recommended
    • however, the many cockatoos which roost in the trees are VERY LOUD and RAUCUS but thankfully sleep most of the night

Getting there

  • easy 1.5hrs drive from NW suburbs of Melbourne
  • 30min (38km) W of Bendigo

Newbridge town facilities

  • the small town is a short easy walk
  • pub has excellent Telstra internet reception (but this is only 1 bar 4G at best at camp ground - usually 3G only) and reasonable meals
  • “General Store” is mainly fast food cafe with minimal goods
  • EV car power station at the public toilets opposite the general store

Nearby camp grounds

Nearby attractions

  • consider a West circuit drive to:
    • Bridgewater on Loddon (swimming hole in the river)
    • Inglewood
    • Melville Caves campground, Kooyoora State Park for some awesome rock formations and views from the top - easy walking but also has a 4hr loop walk
    • historic gold mining township of Dunolly and cafe
    • historic gold miners Waanyarra cemetery and campground plus a short circuit to the relics of the old Morton Hotel
    • Tarnagulla
  • longer SW circuit drive can extend to:
    • relics of the Grand Duke gold mine (south of Dunolly)
    • Maryborough:
      • fantastic massive train station (has a very busy cafe as well)
      • consider side trips to the old gold mining towns to the south, of Talbot and the “ghost town” of Majorca
        • to the NW of Talbot is a nice bushwalk area with the only remaining large quartz outcrop or quartz blow - a 6m high slab of quartz on “quartz mountain” or “Amherst reef” which was not found to be profitable for gold -
        • Tunnel Hill bushland reserve just west of Talbot
    • Carisbrook
      • historic police cell is worth a look
    • Laanecoorie - reservoir and a camp ground
  • consider a SE circuit drive:
    • Maldon historic gold mining town, cafes, pubs, old gold mines
    • Castlemaine - antiques, old prison, relics of gold mines, lots of short walks
    • Newstead
    • optionally check out Welshmans Reef caravan park on Cairn Curran Reservoir
    • optionally had W to join the above SW circuit at Carisbrook
australia/vic/newbridge.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/11 13:43 by gary1

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