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Broome, Western Australia


  • Broome is a remote sub-tropical beach town / resort in remote far north-west of Australia, surrounded by desert and to the north, by the remote tropics of the rugged and beautiful Kimberleys
  • it was once primarily a town based on its pearling industry but now is mainly a tourist destination thanks to the Cable Beach Resort and the fact it is a great place to use to explore Australia's top end
  • it has a lovely long beach and riding camels at sunset is a popular tourist activity
  • for those interested in understanding the remote origins of the earth, this region has many geological sites thanks to the relatively undisturbed land.
  • it is also very nice for astronomy, especially in Winter
  • you can book a seaplane to take you on half-day or full day flights to the Horizontal Falls and other scenic wonders to the north, alternatively, try Kimberley Aviation
  • you can go on a fishing charter or try your hand at game fishing with Makaira Game Fishing, or try a more gentle sail on a Pearl Lugger sail boat
  • 200km from Broome is a working pearl farm open to the public - the Cygnet Bay Pearls
  • there is a Day Spa at the Cable Beach Resort as well as a few high end restaurants including the Sunset Bar and Grill which is on the beach so you can watch the sun set
  • alternatively have lunch or dinner and try the range of local beers at Matso's Brewery
  • and on those warm balmy nights with clear skies you can book a session with the local astronomer who is very entertaining and has many telescopes for you to explore the night skies with his guidance.

australia/wa/broome.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/13 09:06 by gary1

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