wild dogs and dingoes in Australia
see also:
- cane toads
- dingoes are the native wild dogs in Australia and are mainly seen on Fraser Island where they can be dangerous, especially to younger children
- wild dogs can be problematic elsewhere especially in the alpine areas and these are often cross-breeds with dingoes
- Fraser Island and dingoes
- dingoes breed season March-May and there are some 100-200 on Fraser Island in around 20 packs - see Being dingo safe on Fraser Island
- don't walk alone especially to a rubbish bin - if need to toilet have someone stand guard
- don't go to rubbish bins at night
- don't jog or run it excites them and if a dingo approaches don't run, but face it and preferably carry a stick and keep yourself between the dingo and a child
- don't play with them
- don't keep food or backpacks in tents - use food stores at camp ground or keep in a car
- dingoes may tear a backpack from you
- if kids under 14yrs use fenced camp grounds only
- there are on the spot fines up to $10,000 for getting too close or interacting with dingoes!
australia/wild_dogs.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/19 09:20 by gary1