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Olympus OM-D camera menus

camera shoot 1 menu

  • card setup
    • allows formatting of card or just erasing whole card
  • reset/myset
    • allows saving settings to a MySet configuration
  • picture mode - select jpeg processing mode such as:
    • i-Enhance for more vibrance
    • Vivid - for vivid colours (but also has side benefit of increasing AF speed!)
    • Natural
    • Muted
    • Portrait
    • Monotone - can select:
      • contrast
      • sharpness
      • B&W filter (neutral, red, green, yellow, orange)
      • toning (neutral, sepia, blue, purple)
      • gradation - auto, normal, high key, low key
    • Custom - allows setting a picture mode AND contrast, sharpness, saturation, gradation
    • Art Filter
  • record mode
    • select image or movie quality and file type eg. RAW+jpeg
  • image aspect
    • native is 4:3, but you can choose a cropped mode such as 16:9 (panoramic film style), 3:2 (same as 35mm film cameras), 1:1 (square), 3:4
  • digital teleconverter
    • sets digital “zoom” on

camera shoot 2 menu

playback and retouch options menu

cogs - detailed camera options

  • AF/MF
    • AF mode for still and for movie
    • fulltime AF
    • AEL/AFL mode
    • reset lens on/off - if ON, lens returns to default position when power is turned off
    • MF during BULB/TIME exposure on/off
    • focus ring direction
    • MF assist on/off - when ON, magnified view is automatically activated when MF ring is turned in any MF mode
    • AF target area Set Home
    • AF illuminator assist on/off
    • AF face detection priority - off, on, nearest eye, right eye, left eye
  • button/dial
    • button function
    • dial function
    • dial direction
  • release / continuous shot settings
  • display, sound and PC connection settings
    • HDMI
    • video out - PAL/NTSC
    • OK button action
    • Info button action
    • grid display
    • Picture mode - can enable or disable various picture modes to simplify camera use
    • histogram settings - set highlight and shadow area cutoff values
    • mode guide help function for mode dial
    • live view boost
    • art LV mode
    • LV close up mode
      • when shutter release is half-pressed:
        • in mode 1: enlarged live view will disappear and the enlargement frame displayed
        • in mode 2: AF will work in enlarge live view mode
    • Info OFF time
    • backlit LCD time
    • sleep timeauto power off time
    • Beep when AF locks
    • USB mode - auto / storage / MTP / Print
  • exposure settings
    • EV step increments
    • metering type
    • AEL metering type
    • ISO
    • ISO step (increments)
    • ISO Auto set - set high limit and default
    • ISO Auto availability - PAS or All (includes manual exposure)
    • Bulb/timer maximum duration - 1-20 minutes
    • Live BULB ON
    • Live Time - how often live view will be updated during Live BULB
    • Antishock - delay from shutter pressed to release
  • flash settings
    • x-sync shutter speed
    • slowest shutter speed for non-manual exposure modes
    • flash compensation level additive to exposure compensation level (on/off)
  • image color and white balance settings
    • noise reduction - for long exposures - leave this to Auto unless you plan to do manual dark frames and post-process
    • noise filter - high ISO noise reduction - generally leave this to LOW
    • white balance (WB)
    • All mode WB - set same WB to all modes
    • Keep warm color in Auto WB when shooting in warm light - I prefer this to be OFF
    • flash WB - automatically set WB when using flash - off / auto WB / flash WB
    • color space - sRGB / Adobe RGB
    • shading compensation - auto correct for vignetting depending on lens used
    • jpeg image size / compression quality for each jpeg setting
    • pixel count - set pixel count for M and S jpeg settings
  • record/erase settings
    • quick erase on/off
    • RAW+jpeg erase
    • file naming
    • edit filename
    • priority set - confirmation dialogs
    • dpi settings for printing
    • copyright settings in EXIF data
  • movie settings
    • movie mode
    • movie+still - records a still when movie ends
    • movie sound record on/off
    • movie effect - on/off
    • wind noise reduction
    • recording volume
  • built-in EVF settings
    • built-in EVF style
    • Info button display
    • displayed grid for framing
    • EVF auto switch when eye detected at EVF
    • EVF frame rate
    • EVF brightness and color temperature
  • utility - other settings
    • pixel mapping
    • exposure shift - can apply a optimal exposure adjustment for each metering mode - can be very handy!
    • battery warning level
    • battery priority - which battery to use 1st
    • calibrate electronic level gauge - a must do!
    • touch screen on/off
    • Eye-Fi SD card WiFi on/off

accessory options menu

  • Olympus PENPAL Share
  • Olympus PENPAL Album
  • electronic viewfinder accessory

spanner - basic camera functions

  • time
  • language
  • LCD monitor brightness and color temperature
  • Rec View - duration of image display after taking shot
  • menu display toggle
  • firmware version information
omd/menus.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/19 10:07 by gary1

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