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photographing winter frost


  • photographing frost around sunrise can create beautiful imagery but it is not for the faint-hearted afraid of the cold!


  • pre-plan your shoot locations if possible
    • do some location scouting with a backlit sunrise in mind to find the best places to set up when it does become frosty
  • check to see if frost is forecast
    • this usually requires:
      • a clear night sky with reasonable humidity levels and no clouds or wind
      • inland away from the moderating affects of the coast to allow sub-zero temperatures
  • check to see if there actually is a frost:
    • if you have farmer friends nearby, perhaps agree to call them when they wake up at 4am
  • ensure you have enough warm gear on and coffee to go:
    • fingerless gloves plus full thin gloves which still allow camera operation
    • 3 or 4 layers of jackets and long sleeve thermal top
    • long john thermal pants under trousers and waterproof pants (consider extra protection of knees if you are going to get down low)
    • perhaps 2 or 3 pairs of socks
    • waterproof boots
    • beanie, scarf
    • torch if you are going to set up well before sunrise
  • ensure your sensor is clean
    • if you want to get lovely sun-star effects of sunrise, this requires smaller apertures (preferably with a lens with an odd number of diaphragm blades) which will show up all your sensor dust spots in the blue sky
photo/frost.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/23 01:39 by gary1

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