Table of Contents
aspects many hate about camping
- many people just hate camping - usually from fears of the unknown or from bad past experiences
- the following outlines some of these and what you can do to make them better
- personally when I camp I want to feel comfortable at all times - perhaps even more comfortable than if I were in my house (which can be quite cold in winter and much harder to warm up than a small tent)
- If you fail to plan to be comfortable and to be able to manage the conditions, you probably will not enjoy the experience as much!
Toxic masculinity and unwanted attention from men
- unfortunately wherever you go and whatever you do in life there will be people who do not respect others or their boundaries, and who can be very intolerant of the presence of others around them who do not fit their desired attributes whether that be ethnicity, or otherwise
- many people have been camping at the same site for many years and are becoming increasingly angry, frustrated and intolerant as the popularity of camping increases and many multi-cultural campers arrive and encroach on their camping experience - where possible give plenty of space and avoid setting up too close to others.
- if you want to see toxic masculinity from afar, just watch the comments on Facebook camping groups when people ask for advice - unfortunately there are many negative, sarcastic, or unhelpful comments - mainly by men!
- these people do tend to show their true colours when camping, especially if they become drunk in hot weather, so where possible, check out camp grounds first, and if you are not comfortable perhaps go to your plan B camp site - YES you should ALWAYS have a PLAN B camp ground!
- solo women often have a range of strategies to reduce unwanted attention from men in campgrounds such as:
- most campers are kind, respectful and helpful if you treat them that way and most solo women campers really enjoy their experiences but they do need to take some measures to mitigate problems!
- checking out the camp ground and chat to other campers before setting up so you can get a feel for how they are likely to behave
- set up camp not to far from the white knights (so they can hear you if you need to call for help) and as far as possible from the potential toxic campers
- avoid staying at a camp ground for too long - some have a max. of 4 days as beyond that other campers may become too familiar and cross boundaries
- avoid wearing attention seeking clothing or having expensive gear on display
- ensure someone knows where you are staying and where you are going
- bring two chairs and set them up so people think you are camping with a partner
- avoid getting drunk
- avoid disclosing too much personal information to strangers - most campers prefer to keep just to first name basis with others
- be assertive and communicate your boundaries early
- if the above are not feasible, camp in a hidden discrete location with a swag or similar low profile tent
Its cold at night
- not many enjoy getting cold - but you CAN AVOID GETTING COLD!
- whilst it is true that sleeping in a large tent or caravan without heating will likely be much colder than in your house, it doesn't have to be this way
- a small 2P tent is relatively easy to get warm and lovely but you will need some help to achieve this such as a 12V electric blanket or use 2 sleeping bags, one inside the other for optimum temperature control
- on cold nights to sleep, you will need a beanie or at least a hoodie and warm socks
- a larger tent can be made warm with a variety of heaters as long as you take precautions not to burn your tent down and not to give yourself carbon monoxide poisoning
- or you can just camp near the coast in summer and nights are likely to be reasonably warm
- see:
I can never sleep well when camping
- the first night sleep in a strange place will nearly always be sub-optimal but there are many things you can do to give yourself a better chance of having a lovely sleep, just don't have high expectations
I hate getting wet
- a good tent or van and some rain gear clothing will keep you relatively dry
- nevertheless prolonged rains when you are in a small tent can make your trip less than ideal - check the weather forecast before you go and perhaps postpone your trip if a Low pressure system is forecast
- a nice large waterproof tent or shelter to protect your warm 2P tent or swag will give you nice amenity options in the event you are stuck in prolonged rain - add in a wood stove and it can be bliss!
It's boring
- whilst some camping destinations are fascinating exploring opportunities, many are indeed more about chilling out, taking time out from the rat race, embracing what nature has to offer and restoring your fuel tank and for many, a way to connect with others without time constraints
- Lao Tzu: “Doing nothing is better than busy doing nothing”
I'm scared of spiders, insects and snakes
- if you have a modern tent with insect proofed windows and doors (No-See-Um mesh if sandflies are also an issue) and you keep these closed and don't have food in your tent, you should not have any issues inside your tent
- you may still have problems outside your tent, but keeping the campsite clean and tidy with no food scraps around as well as being vigilant will go a long way to avoiding any nasty surprises
- where possible camp in a clearing and away from water (water attracts insects and snakes - but nearly all snakes in southern states sleep at night unless it is a very hot night)
- camping in Winter will largely eradicate these issues in the southern states of Australia - almost no insects, spiders or snakes!
Damn pesky flies
- bush flies are unfortunately very common in most parts of Australia in summer, especially after a wet spring
- in Victoria, they are most likely to start being annoying in rural areas from late November onwards when strong northerly winds blow them south from their main breeding grounds in NSW farm lands where they breed in cow dung and similar
- solution: camp in Winter - no flies, very few insects or snakes
Tents are too hard to set up
- buy a tent which is easy and quick to set up and yet will survive most storms
- before you buy a tent watch videos on how to set it up to see how easy this will be without having to resort to instructions
- many modern tents are EASY to set up but beware cheap and nasty ones which will break in the wind
- many tents are not intuitive to set up and you do need to learn the trick to do it - even “Fast Frame Instant Up” tents
- the easiest tents are the basic 2 person and 3 person hiking tents - just 2 main poles and usually a cross pole to give better head room and the rest is just pegging it down
- avoid heavy canvas tents as these will be harder especially in the rain
There is too much packing and unpacking
- learn to be a minimalist and have a check list so you don't forget
- only take gear that you really will use or is important for emergencies
- keep it simple, compact and light
- where possible have your gear stored appropriately so it is easy to pack
I don't like going to the toilet in the bush
- this one is understandable especially for the ladies
- you can choose a campground with nice flush toilets or at least well maintained drop toilets, or, you can BYO toilet and shower
- drop toilets may be smelly and have flies (especially if the previous person left the lid open!), and the doors will have bugs from un-washed hands BUT at least they don't spray contaminated aerosol nasty bugs around the room like flush toilets do - even if the lid is closed! see Jan 2024: Impacts of lid closure during toilet flushing and of toilet bowl cleaning on viral contamination of surfaces in United States restrooms
I'm worried about my car getting stuck in a remote place
- easy, don't go to remote places or travel up unnamed tracks, or if you do, go in a convoy and take recovery gear
I'm scared of being out in the bush
- yes, there are lots of strange noises at night - perhaps wear ear plugs - especially when you are with a group - perhaps not when solo as you may need to stay partly aware of surroundings
- fortunately in Australia, there are no land animals that are likely or able to attack you (except crocodiles in the tropics, the others will generally only attack when threatened), but there are the rare bad humans to watch out for
- go with someone else and avoid camp grounds where you don't feel comfortable
- attacks by humans on hikers or campers in Australia are fortunately very rare - you are far more likely to be attacked in urban settings
- you do need to use your common sense and avoid trouble makers - consider having a friendly chat to other campers, even the permanents if there are any, to get a feel of their nature before committing to setting up camp - for example, if the weather is hot and they are going to be heavy drinkers, this can lead to arguments and aggressive behaviours
- see also camping security
australia/camping_hates.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/02 04:42 by gary1