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bushwalks in Victoria's Howqua Hills region near Mansfield

see also:

  • How far can an older person hike with average ability and a 12-14kg backpack?
    • the rough rule of thumb is to plan to walk only 8-12 km per day of full pack carrying and count every 100m climbed or descended as an extra kilometre walked.
  • Camp amongst the snow gums rather than in the lower Mountain Ash areas - Mountain Ash are prone to falling unpredictably

Howqua Hills historic area

  • aborigines had a strong connection with this area and mined the green stone for axe heads, etc
  • Europeans started grazing the area in the 1840's as the Howqua Run
  • alluvial gold was discovered in the 1860's and a gold-bearing reef in the 1870's resulting in establishment of various gold mines resulting in the township of Howqua in 1888, but all this came to an end in 1905 when the gold ran out


  • Sheepyard Flat camp ground
  • Frys Hut
    • 1930's hut and horse yard, good car access some 3km past Sheepyard Flat, close to river
    • until a few years ago, a 4WD with adequate ground clearance was needed
    • can't camp in the hut
    • those with horses apparently can get shirty, arrogant and behave poorly as this is one of the two places in the Howqua area they can bring horses overnight (the other is Tunnel Bend Flat) and thus feel it is their entitlement (they should book the horse yards via the Mansfield office) and car campers should go elsewhere
  • Davon's Flat
  • Pickerings Flat
    • Pickerings Hut
  • Noonan's Flat
  • Tunnel Spur Flat
    • horse yard for the rider campers
    • near the Tunnel Bend 100m tunnel built in 1884 to divert water for the water wheel

walks around Sheepyard Flat camp ground region

The Bluff circuit

  • 13km, 5hr day hike starting at Refrigerator Gap some 26km on rough gravel road beyond Sheepyard Flat
  • 500m steepish ascent to The Bluff then 180m down to The Blowhole, then 120m ascent to Mt Eadley Stoney then 500m descent to Bluff Link Road with option of camp at Bluff Hut a third the way down
  • 4.5km fairly flat walk back to Refrigerator Gap apart from a final 120m ascent
australia/vic/howquahills.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/06 00:32 by gary1

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