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birds making calls at night in Victoria
see also:
- Australian bird calls:
- camping in Victoria can offer you are surprising variety of bird noises and calls at night which can at times interrupt your sleep - bring ear plugs or headphones if you want to sleep!
- there are a number of true nocturnal birds which hunt at night and are characterised by near-silent flight (thanks to combed feathers and other feather features) and large eyes, these include owls and night jars and related species
- other birds are mainly active during the day but can be noisy at night, especially at dusk and within 1-2 hours of sunrise such as:
- kookaburras - often the first to start in the morning
- cockatoos
True nocturnal birds
- *many owls and nightjars rely on tree hollows to rest in - these take hundreds of years to form - hence, campers should take this into consideration when looking for wood for their fires
- barking owl
- makes a woof-woof call
- drier woodland and forest type zones, often near creeks, but fairly uncommon
- powerful owl
- one of the few Australian owls with a standardized “whoo-hoo” call which, is most often heard during winter months when breeding occurs.
- deep, double hoot: ‘woo-hoo’
- Australia's largest owl, feeds on possums and males can attack humans if they get too close to their nests
- southern boobook / mopoke
- higher pitched double hoot (“boo-book” or mo-poke”)
- smallest and most widespread owl in Australia
- roosts in dense foliage or safely inside a tree hollow
- Morepork
- these can come to Victoria from Tasmania in Spring
- eastern barn owl
- often found in open country, farmland and woodlands and feeds mainly on rodents
- sooty owl
- call is like a bomb whistle or women screaming
- dimly lit wet sclerophyll forests and feeds on arboreal prey eg. the Australian Greater Glider
nightjars and related species
- Australian owlet-nightjar
- smallest of the nocturnal birds found in Australia
- loud grating chirr of either two or three notes, typically “chirr-chirr-chirr”
- savanna nightjar
- open forest, woodland - from eastern and south east Asia that is a vagrant in Australia
- high pitched tweet
- white-throated nightjar
- open forest, woodland, mainly eastern Victoria
- crescendo were-were rising in pitch and getting faster sound
- distinctive call at dusk that you can hear in season between November and February
- tawny frogmouth
- most habitats except dense rainforests and treeless desert
- very deep, repeated whoo-whoo-whoo - sound
Other birds who make calls during the night
- willy wagtails
- 30% make call during the night 1)
- have a twinkling song, often described as sounding like they are saying “sweet pretty creature”
- koel
- can wake people at midnight and are pretty hard to drown out
- usually arrives in Australia (esp. NSW) from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia to breed from late September to early October each year - but may not make it to Victoria although this has been happening more frequently this century
Many other birds make calls mainly only at either dusk or dawn
- kookaburras
- sulfur crested cockatoos
- little raven
- magpie
- fairy wrens and eastern robins - soft tweets
- pallid cuckoos
- grey shrike-thrush - melodic
- wattlebirds
- etc.
australia/vic/nocturnal_birds.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/30 11:52 by gary1