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AI in photography


  • AI is increasingly being used within cameras as well as within image editing software
  • AI will also drive photorealistic CGI “The goal is to have computer generated images replace 90% of digital photography within the next 5 years,” EyeKeyAh founder and CEO Ludvig Johansson 2015

AI within cameras

scene detection and exposure calculation

  • cameras have been using scene comparison with a massive database of scene images to give us “Evaluative Metering” for over a decade

improved AF locking and tracking

  • in 2018, AI became increasingly utilised to improve AF detection and tracking, examples include:
    • Sony's Real AF Eye detection tracking and animal eye tracking
    • Olympus OMD E-M1X pro sports camera AF detection and tracking of various subjects such as trains, motorcycles, etc

AI noise reduction

  • AI has been shown to be able to massively improve image noise reduction with better preservation of image details, it is still to be utilised in cameras

AI background blurring

  • smartphone manufacturers in 2018 introduced new phone with the ability to selectively increase the blurring of backgrounds to isolate the subject better

AI in image editing software

  • there are multiple uses for this included detection of edges in masking, “intelligent” removal of unwanted objects in scenes, etc
photo/ai_photography.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/24 00:30 by gary1

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