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What's on:

The Night Sky for This Month

this week (Sky and Telescope)

Night Sky Views for various horizon directions.  
The Planets this month          Looking West after Sunset          Position of Jupiter's Satellites
Plan your dark sky viewing, or lunar viewing, using the Phases of the Moon chart for 2003.

Anticipate weather conditions with information from the Bureau of Meteorology -
Today's satellite images              Forecast using Prognostic Chart

The website provides a monthly high quality printed all-sky star map and further information.

Current planetary data All the information you could want for the planets.
Current Solar data Plenty of data regarding the sun including “Astronomical twilight”
Current Lunar data A page full on information on the moon including phase dates for the current cycle


Australian astronomy websites:

astronomy publications:

other resources:

general astronomy sites:

astronomical webcams:

    • This is the first remote controlled telescope by internet with live images and free photos with long exposure. Register for free with a personal password and enjoy the Italian Sky (-1 UT time).

astronomical image libraries:

astrophotography image galleries:

astronomy software:

    • can be used for:
      • capturing webcam videos
      • get a quantitative handle on Periodic error as well as alignment tracking errors
  • Pix Insight - LE version is freeware - selective Gaussian blur noise reduction
photo/astronomy.txt · Last modified: 2013/12/19 01:35 by gary1

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