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Olympus m.ZD 9-18mm f/4.0-5.6 lens


  • a Micro Four Thirds system version of the Olympus ZD 9-18mm consumer wide angle zoom for Olympus Four Thirds dSLR system
  • the most compact and light-weight ultra wide angle lens available for any system of this sensor size or larger
  • “an engineering masterpiece”
  • a handy travel, landscape lens offering ultra wide angle zoom covering 18-36mm in 35mm film terms whilst still allowing filters for landscape work
  • in-camera corrected distortion is mild at 1.8% at 9mm and minimal from 12-18mm BUT uncorrected the barrel distortion is a poor 4.8% at 9mm
  • uncorrected vignetting is mild at 1EV at f/4 9mm with in camera correction improving this to 0.7EV
  • very reasonable sharpness performance at all focal lengths and best at f/4-5.6 range
  • well controlled CA at < 0.7px
  • similar optical quality to Panasonic 7-14mm f/4 ultrawide zoom lens but smaller, and can use filters
  • similar optical quality to Olympus ZD 9-18mm Four Thirds lens but much smaller and faster AF
  • a worthy consideration for your travel kit but at $600 one needs to decide whether to go for the Olympus m.ZD 12mm f/2.0 lens which is $700 and although not a zoom lens, offers a much wider aperture, better image quality and better manual focus controls.


  • 9-18mm focal length = 18-36mm in 35mm terms = ultra wide angle zoom for landscapes, travel, etc
  • closest focus 0.25m
  • filter 52mm non-rotating = great for polariser filters and ND gradient filters (but there may be some vignetting at widest angles)
  • 7 rounded aperture blades
  • 12 element, 8 group design utilizes two dual-surface aspheric elements to form the front cell, and ED and HR glass elements to combat CA
  • internal focusing
  • collapsible design with lock switch for transport keeps it safe and compact
  • fast and silent AF motor = very usable for HD videos
  • optional bayonet mount hood
  • 57 x 50mm = very compact indeed although it does extend on zooming to 9mm
  • 155g


photo/olympusmzd9-18mm.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/11 00:41 by gary1

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