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Olympus ZD 150mm f/2.0 super telephoto lens
see also:
- Super High Grade (SHG) Olympus Four Thirds dSLR system lens
- equivalent field of view and depth of field (DOF) as a 300mm f/4 lens on a full frame dSLR but with 2 stops more light yet more compact
- this is an awesome nature photography lens
- adding a EC-20 2x teleconverter gives a 35mm equivalent of a 600mm field of view yet effective aperture is only f/4 and easily hand holdable with the 4-5EV built-in IS of Olympus cameras.
- 150mm focal length = 300mm field of view in 35mm terms
- f/2.0-f/22
- weatherproofed
- 11 Elements in 9 Groups, including ED/Super ED Lens Elements
- close focus 1.4m
- 9 circular blades
- 82mm filter
- 100x150mm
- 1,610g w/o tripod adapter
- compatible with extension tube and teleconverters
- $2499
- with EC-20 2x TC it is half the price and weight, and faster focus with more DOF than the ZD 300mm f/2.8 but not quite as sharp, and f/4.0 wide open. shot with Olympus OM-D E-M5 camera with EC-20 2x tele at 1/50 - F/9 - ISO400 - see his gallery at
photo/olympuszd150mm.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/01 11:41 by gary1