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photography and camping main index page

what's new on the wiki

about me

  • photography and camping are my escapes from the world and allow me to see the world in a different light as well as motivates me to keep fit outdoors
  • I do not do weddings nor commercial work
  • I do not sell anything
  • I have almost no advertising on my sites and I am not going to send you to online retail websites such as Amazon without it being obvious to you (and if I do have such links I do not get payments from them - they are there only to save you searching)
  • I am not sponsored by any photographic or camping companies and they do not give me gear to review
  • I have created this website to share what I have learned, and also to keep a ready resource available.
  • If I have a significant error on my site, feel free to contact me
  • I mainly use Canon, Olympus and Sony digital cameras but also have Bronica SQ and Mamiya TLR medium format film kits as well as an almost complete Olympus OM 35mm film kit
  • my photos on Flickr - these are better viewed on Fluidr

Other sections of this wiki:

camping and hiking in Australia

photography tutorials and tips

what to buy

troubleshooting your gear

basics of photography

advanced photography tips

lighting and flash

Olympus OM-D tips

Sony a7 tips

Nikon Z system tips

Canon R system tips

Canon EOS dSLR tips

post-processing and printing

photography on the internet

miscellaneous tips

lens types

camera systems and manufacturers

digital systems

film systems


photo/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/15 00:38 by gary1

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