John Foster has published a detailed review of the forth-coming Olympus E-30 – see here.
It’s unique features (many shared with the bigger, more expensive, weatherproof E-3) are sure to make it a much sought after camera, particularly taking into allowance the availability of some of the best lenses ever made and all with image stabilisation provided by the camera.
March 2009 in depth review:
Khen Lim’s excellent, detailed review
I really love the copious amount of features, the top-shelf focusing speed and the remarkable build quality.
But I think i’s a litle bit pricey. Maybe if it was priced a few hunded dollars lower, it’d almost be a no-brainer, but with an asking price of around $1,300 at present time, i think it’ll be hard to sway the eyes of those consumers already focusing on another shooter.