A photographic exhibition for those in Melbourne Nov 2009

Written by Gary on October 15th, 2009

I have posted a previous blog highlighting the creative eye of Melbourne social documentary photographer Paul Marc Joffe.

Finally we get to see his images in the big print at an exhibition in Melbourne starting on 31st October 2009 and lasts for 3 weeks – don’t miss it.

As an aside, following from my last post on the Nikon D3S, Paul is one of the many waiting for an affordable 20+mp Nikon full frame dSLR and a nice 20mm wide angle with minimal distortion – I believe most of his images were shot with a Nikon 35mm film camera and 20mm wide angle.

The following is from the flyer sent from ImageScience Gallery:

The latest featured artist on the walls of Image Science is Paul Marc Joffe. We’ve selected 5 of our favourite images from his vast body of excellent work, so check them out when you next visit our office!

Paul is a rapidly emerging talent in the documentary/art photography field here in Melbourne. He has a major exhibition opening soon at Lindberg Contemporary Art, and it’s a testament to his formidable skills that he already has full gallery representation before he’s even had his first exhibition!

Paul is one of those photographers that just ‘gets it’ and has a superb natural eye and a real photographic way of seeing things. We helped with scanning, retouching, shot selection and of course printing, and it has been a real pleasure to be involved in what seems to me to be one of the most interesting photographic exhibitions in recent years.

His pictures really need to be seen big – itty bitty web jpgs really don’t do them justice – his pictures are rich with meaning and emotion, full of details that can challenge the viewer and change your first impressions. Clever and visually arresting, you are strongly encouraged to visit the exhibition!

The massive prints on the walls will look fantastic, and he’s got some fascinating work. 5 years from now everyone will want to own a Joffe so beat the rush and get in early!

Paul Marc Joffe – Inferior Oblique

Lindberg Contemporary Art
Opening Night: Sat 31st of October, 5 to 8pm
48 Cambridge St. Collingwood

Exhibition runs 31st Oct to 21st Nov 2009
Paul’s Page on the Lindberg site
Paul’s Homepage


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