Correction – ZD 50-200mm SWD incompatible with Ring flash

Written by Gary on August 22nd, 2008

In an earlier post about the wonderful Olympus ZD 50-200mm SWD lens, I wrote that it matched nicely with the Olympus Ring Flash for 1:2 macro photography at 1.2m working distance. (I have now amended this post).

BUT I had made a BIG assumption and not actually tested it out until tonight.

That assumption was that the compatibility of the Ring Flash attaching to the original ZD 50-200mm lens would extend to the new SWD version of the lens.

Alas, Olympus for some strange reason, decided to change the lens hood mount in the SWD version of this lens and thus the Ring Flash no longer mounts onto it but must be hand held in place.

This works, but is a bit unwieldy holding the camera, lens in one hand which also needs to press AF button and take photo whilst other hand holds the flash in place.

Looks like it may need some velcro to keep it in place if I can work out a suitable system, and it would be nice then to be able to use it on the 14-42mm kit lens in a similar manner too for wide angle creative portraits.

Fortunately, it seems the Macro Twin Flash still is compatible with the SWD lens.

Sorry if I have misinformed anyone but Olympus did not advertise this incompatibility either to my recollection but I did find a reference here.


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